The Walter Scott Publishing Co Ltd

Why should the canny folk of The Felling care that a Cumbrian wrestler, who moved to Newcastle and made good laying bricks, got rich and got knighted.

Because he regularly linked London and New York with Felling on Tyne

Here's a book published by him linking The Felling not just with London and New York, but Melbourne too

In 1882, Walter Scott (1826 -1910), later Sir Walter Scott, (not to be confused with the posh Scottish poet, Sir Walter Scott) got rich and ended up being the owner of Tyne Publishing Co, to which he had earlier agreed to act as mortgagor and which was about to become bankrupt. He appointed David Gordon as manager, and relaunched the company as the Walter Scott Publishing Co. Ltd. Gordon was good and began publishing not just N. Bell, as shown here, but the likes of G. Bernard Shaw, Alexander Dumas, Tolstoy and Ibsen.

 Google "London New York Felling on Tyne" 

and see plenty of times those three great metropoli were triplets joined at the hip. You read it here first, folks

Walter Scott bio