Price Joseph (executors of), Durham
Glass Works, Pipewellgate Procter Bryan John, glue manniartnm.
Pipewellgate ; ho. 15 Regent ten-act,
Newcastle Proudlock ' John, vict. Black Hone In«,
Low Fell Radford James, solicitor, 3 Bridge st; lio.
8 Louvaiue place
Itankin James, house agent, Kambton st Rawling Thomas, farmer, Borough 1\L:'.
House, Bensham Reed Charles John (John Barras i-Co.!,
ho. 12 Carlton terrace, Newcastle Reed Edward T. miller, Windmill Hills
and Newcastle Reed Henry R. (Mather <t Reed), ho. U
Woodbine terrace Renwirk John, ironfounder and smith, i
Graharnsley st .Bevely Catharine, vict. Commercial Hold,
Half Moon lane Rewcastle John, -copperas manufacturer,
ho. Brunswick st. und at Hvltoo, near
Nicholson James, IP Woodbine terrace
Nixon John & Son, drapers, A'c. 80 and SI
Huh st
Or,l Augustus W. (Aspdin, Ord, & Co.), ho.
Ord Mary, ladies' boarding school, Hood's
villa, Windmill Hills Ormston Nelson, painter, <tc. 180 High
st ; ho. 1 Nelson st
Osborno Robert (Usborne it Harrison), ho.
Windmill Hills
Oxford Mrs. Eleanor, Institution House,
Windmill Hills
Ozwald William R. vict. Wheat Sheaf Inn,
Sheriff Hill
Paley John, vict. Queen'» Arm Inn, 24 <fc 26
bridge st
Paley Mr. Thomas R. Collingwood terrace
Palmer Robert Skinner.marine store dealer,
Oakwellgatu and И ¡lígale
Parkinson Mrs. Elizabeth, 0 Claremont pi
Parkinson Robert, vict. Lime Kiln Inn,
South Shore
Patterson Ephraim, vict. Queen'iHead Inn,
Sheriff Hill
Patterson George, builder, Dottle bank; ho.
41) Melbourne st
Patterson Geo. vl:t. Beehive Inn, Low Fell
Patterson George, earthenware manufactu-
rer, Sheriff Hill
Patterson John, vict. Crown Inn, Low Fell
Patterson Martin, »gent blierill Hill Tot-
tery ; ho. Mount pleurant
Patterson William, timber merchant and
provision dealer, Oakwellgate
Pattison John, registrar of births and
deaths, West si ; ho. Windmill Hills Pattison Thos. stone merchant, Wrekenton Paxlon Andrew (R. & A. Pasión), lio. 5
Kaston court
Paxton R. & A. rope and twine manufac-
turer», Paxton yard, High st
Paxton Robert (R. * A. Paxton), bo. Tax-
ton's yard, High st
Peacock Thomas, carrier, Wrekenton
Pearse Samuel E., R.N. 5 Se.lgewick place
Pearson Charles John, builder and brick
manufacturer and agent for the Fulwell
lime, НИ High st ; ho. Bensham Tower
Pearson Jehu, builder, 1 John's place
Pearson Mi4. Mary, Ellison st
Phillips John, coal owner, Seymour terrace
Pickering Mrs. Jane, 2 Union pi
Piper Henry, agent, 0 Bloomfield terrace
Plummer Matthew (SI. 1'lummer & Co.),
30 Quay, Newcastle, ho. Sheriff Hill
Plumpton James, paper hanger, painter,
&c. 1!) Cannon st
Pollock James, Ksq. J.P.Benslum Cottage
Potts John Cullibert, wine and spirit mer-
chant. Half Moon lane
Potts Edward, shopkeeper, Oakwellgate
Pringle Mr. George, 3 Woodbine terrace
Richardson J. H. & T. firebrick manu-
facturers, Rabbit banks ; office Quay,
Richardson Peter, vict. Jug Inn, СапЧ
Richardson Thomas, vict. Grey Homing
i-2 High st
Richardson William R. teacher, Hamo
Cottage, Cnbden terrace
Rickaby William, manager, Sheriff Hill
liiilley Aaron, grocer, 34 Bridge st
Ridley Thomas, vict. Raibcay Hul-l
Hill st
Rippon Chns. Procter,butcher, 14 Bridge«
Robertson John, miller and manufacturer
of patent malt, 1Я Jackson st. aud at Low
Felling : ho. 13 Jackson st
Robinson Dinah, teacher, Can's Hill
Robinson George,vict.Deptford Iloute Inn,
Robinson John Herring, clerk, 3 Haven;-
worth terrace
Robinson John Walton, cheesemonger, it-
28 Bottle bank ; ho. Freeman's terrace Robinson William, surgeon, !r West st Rohson Daniel, farmer and horse dealer,
Robson Henry, vict Seven Slari ta.
Robson Isabella, schoolmistress, Mel-
bourne street
Robson J. engine builder, Blackwall ; ''•
Ellison st
Robson J. «c W. drapers, 13 High st
Robson John (J. i W. Eobson), ho. Wind-
mill Hills
Robson John S. vict. Л«// 3foon !*>,
r.obsou Mary, vict. Sun Inn, High st
lïubson Jonathan, engine builder, Blackwall ; ho. 1 Ellison st
Robson Samuel, clerk, 8 Melbourne st
Robson Thomas, saddler, 211 High st; ho. 41 Melbourne st,
Robson Thomas Shafto, coal merchant, Half Moon lane, and provision dealer, Wrekenton
Robson William (J. .t W. Kobson), ho. Sheriff Hill
Rogerson George, vict. Grey Mare Inn,
Rogerson Michael, builder, Wrekenton Rowe Jeremiah, hosier, 212 High st Rowe Thomas,cheescmonger, Jtc.219 High
st ; ho. Victoria st
Rutherford Thomas John, academy, Millgrave terrace ; ho. 22 Ellison st Kuttor Mark, vict. Brandy Vaults Inn, 14
Church st Sanderson Ralph, joiner and builder, 30
Bottle hank ; ho. 31> Nelson st Scborey William Henry, superintendent of
borough police, Town Hall Scott Mrs. David, 8 Claremont terrace Scott Miss Hannah, High st Scott The Misses, Hood's buildings, Windmill Hills
Scott Henry, iron manufacturer, 4 Claremont place Scott James, vict. Half Moon Inn, 25 War Jen Robert, register office for servants,
Bridge st
Selkirk Dorothy, Wrekcnton
Sill William, a^ent, West House
Simm Martha, bono crusher and charcoal
dust manufacturer, Nun's lane
Singers Hew (II. Singers & Co.), ho. 8
Lenzes terrace, Newcastle
Singers Hew A Co. vinegar manufacturers
and spirit merchants, Ilillgate
Smith Jane, lodging house, Ellison st
Smith John, vict. Dun Cow Inn, 65 High st
Smith Thomas, vict. Coach cO Horses Inn,
Smith William, vict. Five tt'arnl Hill Inn,
Snaith Joseph, bootmaker and vict. Plough
Inn, Sheriff Hill
Snowball James, lire brick & sanitary pipe
manufacturer, I'ipcwellgato
Snowball William, draper, Bottlebank ;ho.
Bloomfield terrace
Sobers William, j'iiner, &c. High st
Softley Samuel, marble mason, 3 Oak-
Sowerby John, flint glass manufacturer,
New Stourbridge, Rabbit banks; ho.
Sowerby Thomas, farmer, Low Fell
Speck Rev. Thomas, curate of Gateshead,
1 Catharine terrace
Spencer William (l)ixon, Corbit, & Co.),
ho. 15 Ravensworth terrace Springman Charles F, schoolmaster
Stainthropc James, chemist, 191 High st
Stephenson Allen, Robin Hood Inn,
Church Walk
Stephenson Georjre, quarryman, Sheriff
Stephenson Mrs. Mary, 5'i High st
Siephenson James, builder and contractor,
Sheriff Hill
Stephinson James, toll collector, Low Fel-
ling Gate
Stewart Andrew, agent, Cromwell terrace,
Stobbs & Co. grocers, <tc. 28 High st
Stobbs John (Stobbs * Co.), ho. 28
High at
Stoker Joseph, farmer, Backfield House
Storey Joseph, master mariner, Liddell
Strong Jonathan, sand mill, Sheriff Hill
Surlees Robert, smith, Teams
Swuby Kichard, general merchant & point
manufacturer, puint and cnhmr works,
New Chatham ; ho. 1 Cotiield terrace,
Swinburne Joseph Willis, solicitor, clerk
to commissioners of taxes for Chester
Ward, clerk to trustees of Durham
and Ту ne Bridge Road, and clerk
to the Gateshead Union, Wellington st.
Täte Thomas, road contractor, Cobden ter
Taylor William, miller, Hood's Mill, Wind
mill Hills
Thompson Andrew, farmer, Carr's Hill
Thompson Benjamin J. agent, Mount
Thompson Mr. John, 13 Bloomfleld ter
Thompson Mirk, master mariner, Free-
man's terrace
Thompson Matthew, architect, 25 West st
Tindale John, agent, 12 Jackson st
Tucker Isaac, viet. Fountain Inn, 1'ipe-
Tully Henry, William 1Г. Low Fell
Unsworth J. N. clerk, 32 High st
Usher John, registrar of marriages for the
Gateshead district, assistai! t overseer, and
rate collector, West st ; ho. 7 W'ood-
bine terrace
\Vakefield Eleanor, vict. Nag's Head Inn,
21!) High st
Walker Förster, builder, West street; ho.
Walker villa, Low Fell
Walker Mr. Henry, 13 Claremont place
Walker William, manager to Commercial
Bank, 5 Walker terrace
Wallace William, clerk, St. Edmund's pi
Walmsley Eliza, school, Melbourne st
"Walmsley Mr. Kmanuel, 48 Mel-
bourne st
W'altei-s Ralph, Esq Saltwell villa
Walton Thos. draper, 1 St. Cuthbert's ter
Wrard Thomas, importer of German goods,
J'iii High st; ho. Jackson st
Ш High street Wardman Thomas, glue manufacturer,
Pipewellgate ; ho. Windmill Hills Waters Mrs. Windmill Hills Watson George, bookseller, 35 Bottle bank Watson Mr. Tlios. 8 Ravensworth terrace Watson William, gunpowder agent, 1
High West st Watson William, jun. grocer, 8 Bridge
street; ho. High West st Welch Miss Jane, 1 Lambían terrace Welford .Mrs. Hannah, .'1 Mulgrave terrace Welford Mr. Thomas, Stewart place Whilh'eld Joseph, cutler, West street; ho.
Windmill Hills WliilfieM William, shipsmith, <tc. South
Shore ; ho. Garden st Wilkins \Villmm, agent, Brunswick fit Wilkinson George, prov. dir. Salt Meadows Wilkinson Henry, vict. Howysuckle Hotel,
Woodbine terrace
Wilkinson Henry A. agent, 11 Claremont pi Wilkinson Kobsuii, clerk, Cobden terrace Wilson Hugh, academy, Romulus terrace Wilson Jame=, worsted &c. manufacturer (J. Wilson and Sons), ho. Cramer
dykes Wilson Robert H. surgeon, i Melbourne st
Academies and Schools. AUerson J. High st Anchorage School, Saint
Mary's Church yard—Rev.
William Bennett, master Ayre Margt. 1 Union place Bennett Kli/a. Romulus tor Catholic, Melbourne st—
Miss Robson, teacher Ellison Infant School,
High вИ-Апа Hailes,
Fenwick J. 12 Bloomfielù ter Ferry Susan, Union row Iluteliinsoa Mary, Peareth
place Infant School, Bethesda
Chapel—Miss J. llatcliir.)
and Mrs. Smith, teachers Lisle Mrs. Church walk Major J. Mulgrave terrace Marshall Agnes, 3 Fenwick
Short W. J. Prospect place
Upper Ellison School,
High st — J. Cranston,
Walmsley R. Melbourne pi
Wesleyan Methodist
School, Ellison square—
Miss Catts, teacher
Wilsnn H. 4 Romulus ter
Agent — Commission, f.c
Rankin J. ho. Ann st
Anchor Manufacturen.
Abbot J. & Co. Gateshead
Park Works
Crowley, Millington, <t Co.
Tennis Iron Works and
Winlaton Mill
Hawks, Cruwshay, k Sons,
South Shore
Wilson John, jun. (Wilson and Kimpstrti
ho. Telling
Wilson Thos. iron manufacturer,Fell Hotte
Wingaard Mrs. Carr's Hill
Winsliip Lionel, custom-house officer, IT
Ravensworth terrace
Wood it Palmer, colliery owners,Wreken:or.
and at Quay, \ewcastle
Wood Gilpatik-k, veterinary surgeon Ы
horseshoer, West street; ho. 11 НшЬ •: Wood Robert, manager, Black Wall Woof P. saddlers' ironmngr. 22 Boule U-. Woolston John, provision dealer, Su }[.::
street and at Church walk Wright Ann, vict. Croicn and Thiitlt In,
Wrixon Win. comrcl. traveller, P.egent st
Wyatt John, clerk, Bauk of England, a
Claremont place
Wylam Italph, wine and spirit raerolia:'..
43 West street
Wyi.am Stbam Fuel Com-A*y (LesseesoP,
Salt Meadows; James Gordon, manager
Wylam William, Claremom place
Ynrrow William, farmer, Low Fell
Young Richard, builder, 200 High st
Young Richard, flour and seed dealer. Л
High street ; ho. 5 Woodbine terrace
terrace National Schools, F.llison
terrace — Samuel Lane
and Miss ClifforJ, teachers Ord Mary (ladies'), Hood's
villa Public School, Low Fell—
George Peirson, teacher Richardson W. R. Mount
Blagburn R. Catharine ter
Breckuell W. H.3 Pipew ell-
Brignal J. A. С Mulgravo
Neilsou T. Bridge end
Atchison A. 0 Bridge st
Graham R. Pipe»ellgato
Lolhieu J. High st
AVigham J. (! Bridge at
Bosket Haken
Harrison John, 31 High
street and at Newcastle
Boat Builders
Dobson A; Thompson, Sou'Ji
Bone Manure Manufacturers
Simms M. (and charcoal «nil
coal dust manufacturer •,
Nun's lane
Booksellers and Stationen rtarkas W. High st Chambers J. 115 High >t Jackson T. Oakwellga:i Kelly II. '¿¿7 High st Shivers George, 61 Highst Watson G. (and circulate-'
library), 37 Bottle ЫиЬ
Boot and Shoemakers. Atkin W 17 Highst Blakey J. 33 Bottle bank «oJ
at Newcastle
Blankley J. 14 Brunswick 1er
Brown John, Wrekenton
Clarkson J. Union lane
Crow J. 19 Churoh st
Dawson J. Low Fell
Fairclough J. Grosvenor «
Gaddes J. 5 Bottle bank
Keeler George, Sheriff Hill
Kennedy J. High at
King llobert, Low Foil
Lumley R. Windmill Hills
Magee J. Graharasley st
Mowbray Geo. Wrekenton
Murdy John, Wrekenton
Richardson W. 124 High st
Kiohardeon S. Sheriff Hill
Robson T. Borough Mill
yard, Windmill Hills Smith T. Kllison square Suowdon M. Victoria st Spence T. Victoria st Siephenson II. Low Fell S-.vahvell li. Sheriff Hill Thompson T. Ravensworth
Wilniot W. Hill st
AVood G. Mnlgrave terrace
Brass Fonnders. Abbott J. A- Co. Gateshead
Park Works
Elliott George, 10 High st Tucker T. & Son (and
finishers), Pipewellgate
Barras J. & Co. 204 High st Brintou George, Black 15ull
Commercial Inn, 8 High
Cook W. 29 Bridge st
Stobbs Jt Co. 224 High st
Brick and Tile Manu-
r.urmip J. & W. Teams Pearson C. J. Benslmm Walker and Snowball (anil sanitary pipes), Pipewellgt
Armstrong George, Wrekenton
Birtley J.O William st
Bolam Charles, East st
Bruce K. Ship yard,171 High ]
Clark John, Low Fell Davidson James, High st;
ho. Bridge st Dobson J. Bensham bank Dunn M. Kllison ter Dunn il. jun. Church walk Lister J. Park st Matlison R. West st r-.utereon G. Bottle bank 1'caraon C. J. 191 High st Pearson J. John's place Robinson M. Mount pleasant Stephenson Jas. Sheriff Hill Walker F. West street Walker W. St. Edmund's pi
Wilson <fc Kimpster, 53 West
street Young R. West st
Arkle J. 112 High st
Barraos Thomas, Low Fell
Blagburn J. I'M High st
Brown R. S. L Church st
Coulson !•'. Bottle bank
Crimson J. !)7 High st
Crozia T. High ftt
Davison George, Low Fell
Dobson K. 20 Bridge st
English Elizb. Salt meadows
Fairs J. 120 High st
Gardner Mary, Low Fell
Gibson Thomas, 31 High st
Gordon M. Low Fell
Harrison W. 72 High st
Henderson Thomas, 7 Bottle
Hodgson W. 15 Bottle bank
Hornsby W. CO High st
Humphrey W. Salt meadows
Innés С. ill) High st
Irwin J. Hill st
Jamison Robert, 00 High st
Makepeace J. Wrekenton
Maughnn G.52 Melbourne st
Maughan J. 17 Bottle bank
Palmer Robert, High st
Patterson C. Ravensworth
Perkins J. 53 High st
Proud G. Richmond's place
Railton J. 2(18 High st
Kichardson J. Mulgrave ter
Rippon C. P. 11 Bridge st
Robinson J. 23 High st
Robson Joseph, 45 Kllison st
Scott James, Bridge st
Scott John, Sheriff Hill
Simm T. HI High st
Smith C. 2 Bottle bank
Smith P. High st
Stephenson C. 101-2 High st
Stephensoc George, Low Fell
Stephenson Wm. Sheriff Hill
Summerhill P. Brunswick st
Thompson John, Sheriff Hill
Unvin J. Mulgrave terrace
Urwin R. Collingwood ter
Weddle J. 1 Bottle bank
Wheatlcy P. 10 Bridge st <t
at Newcastle Woolston J.4Ü Highst Young J. Low Fell
Cabinet MakersBrown T. 8 Grosvenor st Harrison George, High 8t Hewitt J. 15 High st Henderson J. Mount pleasant Hmlspc'tli J. 10 High st
Sanderson R. Bottle bank
Talbot W. Windmill Hills
Young R. West st
Clark John, Low Fell
Grey J. Durham road end,
High st Handsome William, Oak
wellgate Sobers W. High st
Chain and Chain Cable
Manufacturers. Abbot J. & Co. Gateshead
Park Works
Clementson G. Hillgato
Forster S. Redheugh
Haggle Bros. South Shore
Hawks, Crawshay, & Sons,
South Shore
Woof P. Bottle bank
Charcoal Manufacturer.
Sims J. Nun's lane
Cheesemongers. Buston J. T. High st Idle B. 57 High st Robinson J.W. 28 Bottle bank Ridley Aaron, 34 Bridge s t Rowe T. 21U High st
Chemists and Druggists.
Adshead C. L. Wrekenton Anderson John & Co. Pipewellgate
Bell J. 15 Bottle bank Fawcett J. 10 High st Garbutt C. D. 28, 30, & 32
Bridge st
Greenwell W. C. 1 IS High st
Kendall J. 05 High st
Munro H. L. (and import) v
of Dutch i German yeast,
11 High st
Stainthrop J. 181 High st
Wind H. S. 18Ü High st
Chemists—Manufacturing. Allliusen C. & Co. (ulkali),
South Shore
Cookson W. J. & Co. Pipewellgate
Coal Owners & MerchantsBaines J. Half Moon lane Clark William, Half Moon la Hunter G. Klin Park ; coul depot, Half Moon lane it Oakwellgate
Neilson T. Hair Moon Inno Robson T. S. Half Moon la Coke Manufacturers.
Allhusen C. and Co. Salt Meadows
Colour Manufacturers. Cookson W. I. and Co. New
Chatham ; office Close,
Swaby Richard it Co. (anil
paints) ; works Pipe well
ConfectionersAdamson Klennor & Matilda,
Half Moon lune Atkinson W. I ¡is High st \'artie Ann, ß liottle bank
Coopere. Brown H. (it brush dealer),
Railway bridge, 200 High
street Harrison 3. it Co. 15 High
street and at Newcastle Hunter L. H. Sun Inn yard Curriers ft leather Cutters. Johnson Т. Я Buttle bank Kelly R. T? High st
Drapers—Linen and Woollen.
Chirk F. .41 Bridge st
Lmii F. P. U13 High stand
I Hill at
Jackson John, 1 Bridge st Nixon J. it Son, Ist Highst Oshorue Sc Harrison, 10
Bridge st
llobson J. & Vf. l:) High st Snowball W. 35 Bottle bank
Dressmakers. Clark T. 1C Bridge st (¡rey E. Easton court llillard M. Stuart placo Hunter Esther, Larnbton st Lewis Mary Ann, SU Edmund's place
Smith Elnr. 5 Larnbton ter Welsh Elizb, 5 Lambton 1er Teasdale M. Olive terrace
Atkinson T. G. 22 Church st llobson II. Ki Mulgruve ter
Earthenware Manufacturers
and Dealers.
Kimdal M. Carr's Hill
I'aUerson G. Sheriff Hill
Powell J. (dealer), 1ЙО-1
High st
Shivers George, High st
Engine ft Boiler Builders.
Bnlcrnig T. Hillgate
Coulthard R. Quarry field
liobson J. B'mckwull
Thirlwell T. Quarry field
Fire and Life Offices. Accidental Üeatii — W. Gibbons, Ellison «t
Albion' (life)—W. Clifford,
40 Ellison st Anous — James Badford, 3
Bridge st Atlas (FiHE лхи Life)—
John Hunter, Bridge st British Kmhke Mutual
(Tip.E And Life)—J.
Scott. Melbourne st Law (fire) —J. Hunter,
Bridge st
Irwin, Woodbine place Law Propkkty Ax n Tkust
Association—J. Bedford,
Bridge st Mi'Ti'AL (LiFEj — George
Watson, Bottle bank Yorkshire (Fine And Lii'i:)
J. L'lephan, G Catherine
Fire Brick Manufacturers, ('nil R. South Shore Richardson J. H. Rabbit bks Snowball Jumes,Stourbridge;
ho. Collingwood terrace
FishmongersHall W. 1*8 High st Rockett W. (<t game dealer), 38 Bottle bank
Flour Dealers;
Carlisle Jane, (IS High st
Davison R. 37 High st
Freeman R. Windmill Hills
Hopper J. 103 High st
Robertson J. 13 Jackson st
SiH T. 1U4 High st
Simpson S. Wrekenton
Winter J. High st
Young R. 22 High st
Bell Sarah, High st
E.lgar J. 21)9 High st
Gibson R. High st
Iledley J. (& confectioner),
6',! High st Stirling Jane, 311 High st
Furniture BrokersBrooks J. 16H High st Hewitt J. Ш High st Hoggctt E. 1П9 HK'h st Howie W. Ha High st Lister Eleanor, 101 High st
Gardeners. Johnson J. Low Fell Ren wick R. Bcnslmm Richardson T. Bensham
Glass Manufacturers. Elliott A. & Co. Carr's Hill aud East st
Executors of J. Price CDurham Glass Works), Pife wellgate, Thomas GibsoD, manager
Gray R. (bottle), Kpewellgate
Neville S. & Co. Ellison Glass Works, En<=t st
Sowerbv J. (flint),NetrStocrbridge
Glue Manufacturers. Procter B. J. 1'ipewelK-ate ' Wardman T. Pipewellgate
Grease ft Oil Manufecturer. Swaby & Co. (a: paints *
colours) ; works Pipewell
Grocers ала Tea Dealers. Brice S. W. 31 BottJe bank Atkin W. 181 High st Atkinson T. 33 Bridge st Blenkiusop J. 13 Bridge st Debenham Alfred, 4 Bridge
Dunn H. 34 Bottle bank Fittes R. A- Co. 10 High >:,
and at Newcastle Greene J. it Sons, 79*11
High st
Harvey W. 14C High st Hopper J. 103 High st Huti-hinson W. 10 High st Probert H. 198 High st Simpson S. Wrekenton Stobbs A- Co. 2J4 High st Watson W. juu. 8 Bridge st Grocery & Provision Dealers. Allan H. Gralminsley st Armstrong Robt. Wrekenton Atkinson J. Gl His;h st Bacon 11. Carr's Hill Bainbrhlge J. 130 High si Barkess H. Sedgewick placo Barras George, Low Tell Bell E. Wrekenton Brecknell W. H. 3 Pipewell
Brown R. Babbit banks
Brown John, Wrebenton
Bryson T. Liddell terrace
Campbell R. Ellison st
Cnrr George, Oalcirellgatr
Carlisle Jane, 08 High st
Chapman R. R. OakwelKjaic
Clark J. Mulgrave terrace
Cook R William st
Cunningham W. Chapel st
Dnglish Isab. 78 Hi-h st
Dalkin M. 26 Church st
Davidson H. Low Fell
Davidson R. Cross st. Mount
Lentell John, Fife st. Mount
Lothian John, 09 High st
Lumley J. High st
Lnmsden W. Buttle bank
Manghan G.52Melbourne st
Miller Ann, Wrekeuton
Miller G. 3 Hill st
Miller J. 12 High st
Mills G. Low Fell
Nicholson P. Church wnlk
Ormton Eliz. 174 High st
Parker Mary, 115 High st
Patterson J. Sheriff Hill
Patterson Wm. Oakwellgate
Proud Joseph, Canfa Hill
Reilly J. Oakwellgate
Revel George, Wrekenton
Richardson W. 183 High st
Robson George, Low Fell
Robson J. Sheriff Hill
Rutherford R. Quarry field
Sandwith Sarah, 00 High st
Scott Robert (and railway-
engine driver), Musgrovo
Smith Mary A. Pipewellgate
Squire Thomas, Blackwall
Stephenson C. J01 and 102
High st
Stobbs Hen. Mount pleasant Tempest Elizabeth, St. Edmund's place
Thompson Jano,Oakwellgate Thynu Ann, Oakwellgnte Watson Wm. Bensharn Wentherston A. Trinity st Weatherley M. Low Fell White J. Town st
Wilkinson G. Salt meadows
Wilkinson J. Easton st
Wilson IsabelIл, Jackson st
Wind George, 4!) High st
Winter J. 85 High st
Wood Lucy, 2-Jo High st
\Vuolston J. Chuich walk &
High st
Woolston J. Trinity st Yiites Henry, Rabbit banks Young J. 2 Grosvenor st
Haberdashers and Hosiers.
Dalkin J. 23 Bottle bank Rowe J. 212 High st Snowball W. 17 Bottle bank YVigliam Alice, 170 High st Young J. High .st
Dickson A. 2 Church st
Hardy D. Hulf Moon lane
Johnson Robert, High st
l'être Wm. Wellington st
Hood J. Church st
Robinson J. 70 High st
Stewart J isepli, 187 High st
Turnbnll John, High st
Wilkinson W. 7 Church st
Hatters. Anderson and Miller, 20
Briilge st
White John, 21 Bottle bank
White J. Dottle bank
Wilson J
Horse Dealers.
Douglas William, Ян High st Robson D. Low Fell road
[ocr errors]
Bu*h, Michael Young, Oakwellgate
Castle Inn, T. W. Baiiibridge, Huttst
C'o-icft and Horses, G. Lawrence, 7C High
Coach and Horses, Thomas Smith,
IV/.- and Anchor, Henry Gillispie, 10
Cannon st
Commercial Hotel, Catherine Revely, Half
Moon lane
Crown, J. Patterson, Low Fell
Crown and 2'histle, Ann Wright, Pipewell-
Cross Key*, J. Conolly, Pipewellgate
С rats Keys, R. Bell, Bridce st
Deplfnrd House, Robert Tait, Blackwnll
Dun Coir, J. Smith, High st
Edinburgh Cattle, T. Hogg, 4 Bottle bank
E/limn Arm», W. M'lulyre, Rabbit banks
Ellison Arms, James Hindmarsh, 151
Ellison st
Five Wand Mill, W. Smith, Bensham bank b'lyinii Horse, T. Carr, Oakwellguto Fountain, I. I'uckor,
í'ox and Lamb, R. Elsdon, Pipewellgate Free Gardener? Arms, SI. SI'Donald,
Carr's Hill Gateshead Arms Inn, Charles Brinton,
Gateshead Low Fell George and Dragan, J. Henderson, 28
Bridge st dltus ¿takers' Arms, J. Macky, New
Chatham, Pipewellgate Goat, J. Ilderton, :!!) Pottle bank Grey Horse, T. Richardson, 12 High st Grey JIare, George Rogerson, Wrekenton Green Tree, John Henderson, Wreki-nton Engine, Thomas H.ibson, i-ow Fell Half Moon, Peter J. Stain, ¡14 High st Half Moon, S. Robson, Wrekenton Hal/ .1/oon, James Scolt, 25 Bridge st Hawk, Tilomas Addy, 22 Bottle bonk Hawks' Arm*, J. Bell, Enst street High Level Bridge, Henry Glendining,
Half Moon lane
Honeysuckle Hotel, H. Wilkinson, Woodbine terrace
Joiners' Arms, C. Hunter, Wrekenlon
Maijpie, Catherine Bell, Teams
Mary Queen of Scots, J. Bell, Stewart's pi
Masons' Arms, J. Cook, Jackson st
Moulders' Arms, J. Boggon, Low Fell
Moulders' Arms, G. Dinning, Oukwellgate
Kag'tllend, M. Collinson, 219 High st
Kfptunc Tavern, A.. Elliott, Halt meadows
Л'ют Cannon, John Nevin, Low Fell
OaktcrUgatc Breweiy,}. Hopper,Oakwellgt
Old Cannon, Josh. Dobiuson, Sheriff Hill
Beer Hetailcra. Bell John, Sunderland roadend
Bell J. Mount pleasant
Bell J. corner of Cross st
Candlish Win. Mulgrave ter
Carrick B. Rabbit banks
f!ook U. Quarry field
Douglai Kobt.'olil Toll gate
Greaves J. 21 High st
Harrison G. liabbit banks
Hogg R. Blackwall
Holland Thomas, Pipewellgt
Johnson W. Park lane
Lenox James, Hillgate
numerous and extensive collieries, stone quarries, chemical works, ship-lmi.i ijig yards, &c. The population of the parish in 1801 was 2,887; in 1811. 2,905; in 1821, 8,921; in 1881, 5,424; in 1841,7,008; and in 1831, 8,809. This increase in the number of inhabitants is attributed to the opening of new collieries, and the establishment of manufactories.
Lowia W. St. Edmund's pi
SI'Intyre David, 1 Welling-
ton street
Nixon U. Shi-riff Hill
Orrick B. Sun st
(Jtley John, Pipewellgate
Heilly E. Hillgate
Sliuw Tho4. St. Edmund's pi
Taylor Robert, High st
Thompson T. Bensham
Thompson R. Kavensworth
Ironfonndcrs. Abbot J. and Co. Gateshend
Park Works Heppell 1Ï. and stove grate
manufacturer, Pipewellgt Millington Crowley and Co.
Team Iron Works, and
Winluton Mills
Renwick J. Grahamsley st
Iron MannfaoturerB. Hawks, Crawsbay, mid Sons,
South Shore Millington, Crowley, and Co.
Team Iron Works, &o.
Ironmongers & Hard waremon
Andrews N. and Son, Sun-
derland road end
Mather and Reed, 2 Bottle
bankWoof P. (saddler's) 22 Bottle bank
Plough, Joseph Snaitli, Sheriff Hill
Plough, T. Henderson, East street
Queen's Arms, J. Paley, 31 Bridge st
Qiteen's Head, E. Ncilson, Low Fell
Queen's Head, E. Patterson, Sheriff НШ
Queen's Head, M. Murray, 1C Hitrh st
Itailway H;tfL, T. Ridley, Hill st
Red Lian, J. Divine, Salt meadows
Rayai Oak, J. Clark, Oakwellgate
liubin Hund, A. Stepheuson, Church walk
Seren Stars, H. Robson, Wrekenton
Ship, William Turner, Blackwall
Ship, D. Carrot, 7:i High st
Ship, H. Gowland, Wrekeuton
Ship, T. Murray, Tyne Main
Speed tlte Pluugh, George Cotterill, Can's
Sun, J. Lee, High st
Su-an, J. Graham, Park st
Three Tuns, G. Heppell
Three Tuns, Förster Wales, Sheriff Hiil
Turk's Head, B. Ketch, CO High st
Union Inn, J. M'Nally, Hillpate
Union Tavern, Ellen Grey, Pipewellgato
Victoria Hotel, E. Nicholson, Church st
1'ulc'iH Tavern, T. Harris, Quarry field
Ц'аурап, J. Allen, High st
iriteat Sheaf, William Oswald, Sheriff Hill
Wheat Sheaf,}. Lawrence, 13 High st
White Hear, Vf. Mitchell, Salt meadows
William II'. H. Tully, Low Fell
William IT. E. Arkle. Bensliam
William IV. J. Eden, 1;JO Higli st
Windmill, Jane Hindmnrch, Charles st
Thiu-sfield J. Carr's Hill
Wachin W. Cross st
Armstrong Geo. Wrekenton
Clark John, Low Fell
Liddell J. 05 High st
Main R. Dun Cow yard,
High st
| Mattison R. High West st
Pattinson John, Low Fell
Robson George, Low Fu'.l
Sanderson R. 28 Bottle bank
Smith Isaac, Mount pleasant
Sobers W. High st
Young R. West st
Lamp Black Manufacturer
M'Innes J. (and vitriol
Lime Burners-
Hymers J. A. 23 High st
Pearson C. J. PipewellCTto
Lunatic Asylum Proprietors
Glenton J. Bc'iisham
Gowland and Smiles, Wre-
Kent S. B. Gatesbead Fell
Weighing Machine Makers
Holmes Samuel, West st
Pooley A- Sjns, Wellington st
Marine Store Dealers-
Burden C. Nelson st
Bum T. Pipewellgatf.
Clementson George, Huléale
Hasby Ralph, Pipewellgaio
Kirkup T. 18 William st
uphrey Wm. Oakwellgt uer 1Î. Hillgate crson D. CO High st noldsl. 90 High st nmlson J. Pipewellgate ¿worth W. High st
Master Marinersrlton K. 33 Kllison st wick J. 3 Mulgrave tor :ey J. LiilJell terraco
'Ule Jas. Maiden's Walk •iilson J. Church et эрег J. Trinity street and tigh st
•d E. T. Windmill Hills lertson J. 13 Jackson st •lor W. Windmill Hills
Milliners, kcj • are also Dressmakers.
iwn E. 10 Bridge st
luisón Ann, 2 King
Villiam st
slop Margt. 2 Easton ct
ther Mnrtlia & Annabclla,
0 Bottle bank
hrtrdson Amelia, 183
ligh st
ith Eleanor, 5 Lambton
rabull Mary, High street
Kail Makers.
drews T. Sunderland road
»don J. 30 Bottle bank
Ihoun Hugh, 30 Bottle
ngberty George, 30 Bottle
¡Khton J. 30 Bottle bank
itlier and Reed, 1!) and ¿0
Bridge st
Laurin J. 30 Bottle bank
tfshcad Observer, Ratur4v ; James Clenham, 29 High st
News Agents, lumbers J. 110 High st skson T. Oakwellgate
Paint Manufacturers, raby k Co. (and colours) works, Pipewellgate
Painter« and Glaziers, kinson J. 5 Grosvenor st
чти John, Low Fill irnmins T. High Kllison st rbank A- Son, Wellington st
Ormston N. 11C High street
Plumptou J. 13 Cannon st
liobson G. Ellison st
Steven J.Collingwood terrace
Walker J. M. 3 Pipewellgate
Paper Hangers-
Sec also Upliolstercre and Taper
Almond G. A. High st Cummins T. High Lever st Firbank John, Wellington st Onnston N. 180 High st Waker J. M. Bridge st
Faper Makers. The ÏÏxe РАГЕП Mill Co. Iledheugh
Pawnbrokers. Coulson W. 15 F.ast st Hall G. 18 High st Howe J. A. 84 High st Lamb Dorothj, Nelson st Hosenbohan Cath. Church st
Pipe Makers. Elsdon J. Pipewellgate Ulsdrn M. Pipewellgate KUdon M. Bank top Fenwick Mary Ann, Oakwell
gato chare
Hardy T. 38 Bottle bank Xewlon J. Ilillgnte Thompson W. -22 Bottle bnk Tucker T. Pipewellgate
Plumbers. Abbot J. & Co. Gateshead
Park Work? Elliott G. 33 High st Henderson W. 4 Bottle bank Towns Geo. Half Moon lane
Printers—Letterpress. Hedley J. 51 High st Jackson R. Bottle bank Dimglinson D. Observer
Oftiffi, High st
Kelly H. 2Й7 High st
Rankin R. 38 Bottlo bank
Begister Office Keepers.
Dale C. 28 Ellison st Warden Robert, 103 High st
Воре and Twine Makers.
Ilaggie Bros. South Shore
Hood James, High st
Newall K. S. & Co. (wire)
Paxton R. Se A. High st
Hedley W. 55 High st
Robson T. U High st
Smith W. 20 High st
Stott F. G. Wrekenton
Saw Mill OwnersHaggle Bros, (and planing)
South Shore
Nicholson C. Oakwellgate Wilson & Kimpster, High et
Sand Millers.
Brown II. & S. 22 Jackson st
Ridley G. Carr's Hill
Strong J. Sheriff Hill
Ship Builders-
Gaddy & Lamb (and patent
slipway), Tvne Main Robson J. (iron) Blackwall
Atkinson J. High st Bainbrklge T. whitesmith and bellhanger, 28 Bottlo bank
Bell E. whitesmith and bellhanger, 16 High st Bullcraig T. Hillgate Bullock II. Old Tollgate Clement-son G. (shipsmith and chainmaker) Hillgate Colhoun H. 30 Bottle bank Crow R. (and farrier) Brandling st
Crowley, Millington, & Co.
Team Iron Works, and at
Winlaton Mill
Fearnley S. High st
Henderson R, & C. High st
Hopper W. shipsmith and
crampmkr.Foot of Hillgate
Jobling William, Sherifl'Hill
Lawson G. Dun Cow yard,
High st
Liddell C. Low Fell
Murdy John, Wrekenton
Pattinson J. Low Fell
Renwick J. Grahamsley st
Robson J. A. South Shore
Shepherd W. farrier, Brand-
ling st
South Shore
Wood G. (and veterinary
surgeon) West st Woof P. Bottle bank
Hunter J. 2 Bridge st
Kell it Apedaile, Town Hall
Kenmir G. J. Wellington st
Kadford James, 3 Bridge st
Swinburne J. W. Wellington
Spade & Shovel Manufacturer Smith P. 2 Bottle bank Stone Merchants. Dobson John, Bensham bnk Sofiley Samuel, Oakwellgate Pattison Thomas, Wrekenton Taylor J. ¿3 Jackson it
Surgeons Barkns B. (and physician) 2
High West st Bennett F. lîlfl High st Brady H. (¡-J High st CrasterThomas(dispensary)
West st
Davis R. Wrekenton
Dixon G. S. (and physician)
:tl West st Glenton P.Bensham Lnnatic
Asylum ; lio. 13 Mulgrave
Henderson C. D. 31 Melbourne st Jollie \V. (and physician) 33
West st
Lammas J. 3 Woodbine pi
Murray John C. 147 High st
llnbinson W. 1» West st
Wilson K. II. 15 West st
Blair J. Nelson st
Rlakey J. Windmill Hills
Brett J. F. (and draper) 33
Chinch st
Crow J. S. (and draper) 4
Hill et
Crowlcy R. 44 High st Dexter J. 140 High st ; ho.
Mount pleasant Dixon C. 27 & 34 Bottle bnk Dobinson William (and
draper), Wrekenton Doughlas II. Mulgrave ter Kdwarils J. Sheriff Hill
Feargrieve Henry, 5 Rrtdgest Grey George, Sheriff Hill Grey J. Brunswick st Harrison G. Mulgrave ter Harrison R. 4 Church st Hogg T. W. Wrekenton Hume P. 30 Grosvenor st Lee Nicholas, Trinity st Nixon J. and Son (and
drapers), 80-81 Highst Preston D. Nelson st Smith Henry, Low Fell Spencer T. Sheriff Hill Staithmore Ralph, Low Fell Whitworth W. High st
Tallow Chandlers
Bell G. 31 Church st
Greene J. and Sons, 4, 5,
and 0, High st Ridley Л. Bridge st Stobb's and Co. 334 High st.
and Half Moon lane
Timber MerchantsIlaggie Bros. South Shore Hood A. * Co. lilackwall Nicholson Culhbert, Onkwcllgate; house 30 Melbourne st
Patterson Wm. Oaliwellgate Wilson it Kimster,u-:l Westst
Tinners and Braziers. Grey R. High st Henderson R. 1C High st Howe W. 117 High ?t Miller W. Oakwellgate
Tobacconists. Barrett Joseph, Bridge st
[ocr errors]
Miscellaneous Public Buildings. Baths And Laundries, Oukwellgate—
William Chipchase, superintendent. County Court, Town Hall—James Losh,
Esq. judge ; James Araott, clerk;
Robert Pybus, high bailiff.
Dispensary, West street—T. W. Craster,
house surgeon
Kino James's Hospital, High street—
Rev. William Bennett, chaplain
Literary Society, West st
Mechanics' Institution, West, street—
William Hutt, Ksq. president ; Cornelius
Garbut, treasurer; James Outline and
Charles Burney, secretaries ; Richard
Cook, librarian
Police Station (Borough No. 1), Tonn
Hall—W. II. Schorey, superintendent
and high constable Police Station (Borough Ko. 3), Bridge
end—John Hope, inspector
Police Station (County), West street—
Jabez Squire, superintendent
Public School, Library, And Lecture
Room, Low Fell—William Cook, teacher
and librarian
Public School, Libiuey, Astj News Room, Wrekenton — Thomas Wilson, Ksq. president ; James Smith, E*q. treasurer ; William Cook, schoolmaster, secretary, and librarian.
Stamp Office, 45 Bottle bank—G. Wat? :
Town Clerk's Office, Town Hell —
George Johnston Kinmer, town eltri
Town Ham, Half Moon lane
Union Rf.dister Office, West stnx : —
Robert Foreman, clerk and superinten-
dent registrar : John Pattison, registra
of births aud deaths ; John Usher,
registrar of marriages, assistant overseer.
and rate collector ; Robert Robson Chip-
man, relieving officer.
Union WoBKnorsr, Union lane—ВоКт.
Kelly, master ; Mrs. Kelly, matron : .) :
M'IntjTC, teacher; H. H. Wii?
Weigh House, High street—Barthulon:-
Atkinson, keeper
York, Newcastle, And Berwick
Locomotite Works, Half Moon
E. 1'letcbcr, manager.
hi the passing of the act of parliament, in tho year 1809, for the division lie common, called Gateshead Fell, another act was also passed in the ie year, for making this district я distinct and separate parish or rectory. 3 acre of land was allotted for the site of a church and churchyard ; and itees were appointed, who were authorised to raise a sum not exceeding 1)00, by rates upon the occupiers of lands, houses, and mines, within the :rict, at the expiration of seven years from the passing of the act. The it of presentation was reserved to the Bishop of Durham ; and all tithes I ecclesiastical fees within the new parish were rendered payable to the tor of Gateshead.
rhe Parish Church, dedicated to St. John, was erected in 1825, at a cost .£3,839, and is a neat, plain Gothic structure, with a steeple 148 feet in gh,t. It comprises nave, chancel, and aislos, and contains 1,000 sittings, .f of \vhich aro free and unappropriated. The church contains several ndsome mural monuments. The living is a rectory in the patronage of i Bishop of Durham; gross income, £19 i. Rev. William Atkinson, ¡tor.
Here are chapels belonging to the Wesleyan Methodists and the Weslcvan )w Connexion.
Care's Hill is a village, pleasantly situated in Upper Heworth and Gatesad townships, one-and-a-half mile south-by-oast of Gateshead. Qateshead High Fell is about two-and-a-half miles, and Gateshead Low il, two-and-a-quarter miles, south of Tyne Bridge. At Low Fell, there is Methodist New Connexion Chapel, and one belonging to the Wesleyan ethodists. There is also a public school, library, and lecture room. Sheriff Hill is about two miles south of Gateshead, and derives its name )ra the custom which formerly prevailed of the sheriff of Newcastle coming this place to meet the justices itinerant. Here is the parish church, and aces of worship belonging to the Wesleyan Methodists, and tho Wesleyan ew Connexion. Sheriff' Hill Lunatic Asylum is pleasantly situated on an ninence, about two-and-a-half miles south of Gatoshead, from which a fine •ospect of Ravensworth and its vicinity may be obtained. Samuel Kent, ttprietor ; Benjamin Barkers, M.D., physician.
Wrekenton is a village in this parish, about thrce-aud-a-quarlcr miles south Gateshead, and derives its name from the Wreken Dyke, which divides ns place from Aytou Banks. Here is a chapel-of-ease to the parish church, и! chapels belonging to the Primitive and Wesleyan Methodists. There are iso the Harrington and the National Schools, and a library and reading-room. ^rekenton Lunatic Asylum, is beautifully situated, and commands extensive iews of the surrounding country. Messrs. Gowland »nd Smiles, proprietors ; !"bi.Tt Davies, physician. For Directory, &c., of this parish, see Gateshead.
This district parish was formed from the parish of Jarrow by an order in "um-il, dated February a4th, 1843, and comprises the township of Heworth, vhich, includes the villages of Ileworth Upper, Heworth Nether, Heworth >l'»re, Felling High, Felling Low, Felling Shore, and Windy Nook. The чеа of the parish is 3,853 acres, and its rateable value, £