Felling Park Makeover

The Felling Park, once famous for its magnificent flower beds has, for the last few years, fell foul of Government cut backs, much to the dismay of many of the town's residents. The commemoration of the First World War outbreak, being organised by The Felling Heritage Group, has a plan to have a banner march, terminating in Felling Park. Accordingly, it has organised for the park to be returned to some of its former glory using its own members and school children from local schools who are participating in the parade.
The story of the makeover may be found here

Here's a compilation of photos shared by those participating and/or attending in the Commemoration

Here's one thread, started by Brian May, of many on the Felling Past and Present Facebook page concerning the Felling Park makeover

Passed Felling Park tonight, there are the beginnings of flower beds!!!