The Felling 1856
Welcome to Felling 1856 which is a section of a book entitled History, topography and directory of the County Palatine of Durham by Whelan & Co 1856
Felling (High) is a village in the same township, two miles south-east of Gateshead, and a little to the south of Low Felling. The Independents. Methodist New Connexion, Primitive Methodists, Wesleyans, and Wesleyan Reformers, have places of worship here.
Felling (Low) is also a village in Heworth township, situated about two miles east-by-south of Newcastle, where there are extensive chemical work?, und other manufactories. Here is a Catholic Church, dedicated to v: Patrick, which has recently been considerably enlarged, and otherwise improved, lïev. John Kelly, priest. There is a school here belonging to the chemical works, a railway station, and a police station.
Felling Shore is a populous village, two-and-a-half miles east of Gateshead. possessing quays for shipping grindstones, and several manufactories, chemical works, &c. ; дтпу excellent vessels have been built at this place. The:. are chapels here belonging to the Methodist New Connexion, ajid tLi AVesleyan Methodists.
Heworth Nether is situated about two-and-threc-quartcr miles cast-south east of Newcastle. The Church is a handsome stone structure, in the (iothic style, erected in 1822, upon the site of a previous edifice, whosí antiquity was probably not much inferior to that of Jarrow. The church cost upwards of £'2,000, and contains 1.4QO sittings, 020 of which are free. 11 whole of the interior is plain, neat, and comfortable; and there are a IV mural monuments. In the burial ground attached to this church, is a monumental stone, commemorating a dreadful accident which occured at Felli;•••Colliery, in May 1812, when ninety-one persons were killed by an explosion of fire damp. The living is a perpetual curacy, valued at £100 per annum, and is in the patronage of Sir William Clavering, Bart., Cuthbert Ellis..:-. Esq., and Thomas D. Brown, Esq. Kev. Matthew Питтег, В.А., incumbent ; Rev. Samuel P. Hill, B.A., curate. The parish school is conducted by Mr. AVilliam Archer.
Heworth Upper is a village, situated about three quarters of a mile south of Heworth Nether, and contains a few scattered houses, commanding an extensive view of the river Tyne.
Heworth Shore is, as its name implies, on the banks of the river, two-and a-half miles east-by-south of Gateshead, adjoining Felling Shore to the east Here are numerous manufactories of various kinds, which afford employment to a considerable number of persons. There is a Primitive Methodist Chap! at Heworth lane
I'tluw 3/rti'n is a hamlet, in the township of Heworth, four miles east of Gateshead, on the West of Ilebburn Quay.
Windy Nook is a village, in this township, about two-and-three-quartermili-* South-east of Gateshead, and is chiefly inhabited by the workmen employ ч'. ia the neighbourhood. Here is a chapel-of-easc, dedicated to St. Alban. il proto-martyr of Britain. It is a neat structure, in the early English style, and contains 300 sittings, the whole of which are free and unappropriated The living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of the incumbent of Heworth, and worth about £150 per annum. Rev. Edward Hussey Adamson, M.A., perpetual curate. A neat parsonage house has been recently erected, at a cost of JE'JOO. The Methodist New Connexion have a chnpel here, and there is also a school attached to the chapel-of-ease.
Post Office, Hewobtii : G. F. A. Wiltshire, postmaster. — Letters arrive bore from Gateshead at 8 30 a.m., and are despatched thereto at 4 '20 p.m.
Post Office, Felling : Jane Spippen, postmistress.—Letters arrive from Gateshead at 8 20 a.m., and are despatched at 4 SO p.m.
Adamson Rev. Edward Hussey, B.A. perpetual curate of St. Allan's, Windy Nook
Adamson Robert, tailor, Felling Alexander William, builder, Felling Anderson George, coal owner (Thomas
Easton & Co.), ho. Benwell Lodge Anderson Joseph, coal owner (Thomas
Eastou it Co.), ho. Bon well Tower Anderson Robert, victualler and butcher,
Slue Hell, Felling Armstrong George, colour manufacturer,
Felling Shore ; ho. Cluremont r lace Armstrong John, shopkeeper, Felling Armstrong Matthew, Felling Arthur Thomas, vict. Engine Beer House,
Felling (Low) is also a village in Heworth township, situated about two miles east-by-south of Newcastle, where there are extensive chemical work?, und other manufactories. Here is a Catholic Church, dedicated to v: Patrick, which has recently been considerably enlarged, and otherwise improved, lïev. John Kelly, priest. There is a school here belonging to the chemical works, a railway station, and a police station.
Felling Shore is a populous village, two-and-a-half miles east of Gateshead. possessing quays for shipping grindstones, and several manufactories, chemical works, &c. ; дтпу excellent vessels have been built at this place. The:. are chapels here belonging to the Methodist New Connexion, ajid tLi AVesleyan Methodists.
Heworth Nether is situated about two-and-threc-quartcr miles cast-south east of Newcastle. The Church is a handsome stone structure, in the (iothic style, erected in 1822, upon the site of a previous edifice, whosí antiquity was probably not much inferior to that of Jarrow. The church cost upwards of £'2,000, and contains 1.4QO sittings, 020 of which are free. 11 whole of the interior is plain, neat, and comfortable; and there are a IV mural monuments. In the burial ground attached to this church, is a monumental stone, commemorating a dreadful accident which occured at Felli;•••Colliery, in May 1812, when ninety-one persons were killed by an explosion of fire damp. The living is a perpetual curacy, valued at £100 per annum, and is in the patronage of Sir William Clavering, Bart., Cuthbert Ellis..:-. Esq., and Thomas D. Brown, Esq. Kev. Matthew Питтег, В.А., incumbent ; Rev. Samuel P. Hill, B.A., curate. The parish school is conducted by Mr. AVilliam Archer.
Heworth Upper is a village, situated about three quarters of a mile south of Heworth Nether, and contains a few scattered houses, commanding an extensive view of the river Tyne.
Heworth Shore is, as its name implies, on the banks of the river, two-and a-half miles east-by-south of Gateshead, adjoining Felling Shore to the east Here are numerous manufactories of various kinds, which afford employment to a considerable number of persons. There is a Primitive Methodist Chap! at Heworth lane
I'tluw 3/rti'n is a hamlet, in the township of Heworth, four miles east of Gateshead, on the West of Ilebburn Quay.
Windy Nook is a village, in this township, about two-and-three-quartermili-* South-east of Gateshead, and is chiefly inhabited by the workmen employ ч'. ia the neighbourhood. Here is a chapel-of-easc, dedicated to St. Alban. il proto-martyr of Britain. It is a neat structure, in the early English style, and contains 300 sittings, the whole of which are free and unappropriated The living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of the incumbent of Heworth, and worth about £150 per annum. Rev. Edward Hussey Adamson, M.A., perpetual curate. A neat parsonage house has been recently erected, at a cost of JE'JOO. The Methodist New Connexion have a chnpel here, and there is also a school attached to the chapel-of-ease.
Post Office, Hewobtii : G. F. A. Wiltshire, postmaster. — Letters arrive bore from Gateshead at 8 30 a.m., and are despatched thereto at 4 '20 p.m.
Post Office, Felling : Jane Spippen, postmistress.—Letters arrive from Gateshead at 8 20 a.m., and are despatched at 4 SO p.m.
Adamson Rev. Edward Hussey, B.A. perpetual curate of St. Allan's, Windy Nook
Adamson Robert, tailor, Felling Alexander William, builder, Felling Anderson George, coal owner (Thomas
Easton & Co.), ho. Benwell Lodge Anderson Joseph, coal owner (Thomas
Eastou it Co.), ho. Bon well Tower Anderson Robert, victualler and butcher,
Slue Hell, Felling Armstrong George, colour manufacturer,
Felling Shore ; ho. Cluremont r lace Armstrong John, shopkeeper, Felling Armstrong Matthew, Felling Arthur Thomas, vict. Engine Beer House,
Windy Nook
Arthur William, schoolmaster, Heworth
Atkinson John, tailor, Felling
Atkinson Robert, stone merchant, Heworth
Bailes Win. joiner & cartwright, Felling
Barehley James, shopkeeper, Felling
Bnrnes F.lizabeth, vict. Yarmouth Armi,
Heworth Shore
Jîarras George, shopkeeper, Felling lîattersby William, vict. Hope ami Anchor,
Wind; Nook
Bell George, shopkeeper, Friar's Goose 13ell Robert, beerhouse, Felling Hull Thomas, land surveyor, Felling lioggan Isab. vict Moulders' Arms, Felling lîMston John, stone merchant liramwell Thomas it Co. chemical manufacturers, Heworth Shore ; ho. Kniield House Brankston Archibald, vict. ifulberiy Tree,
Felling Brown Mary, stone merchont (Täte <fe
Brown), ho. Felling 13rown T. D. coal proprietor, Jarrow Wood
Side Brown William, stone merchant (Täte &
Brown), ho. Felling Burnett William, butcher, Felling livers William, tailor Caley William, copperas manufacturers,
Heworth Shore ; ho. Gateshead Carr Ann, shopkeeper, Felling Carr Robert, beerhouse, Felling Cassen Ann, shopkeeper, Felling Shore Chapman John, shepkeeper, Heworth Charlton William, shopkeeper, Felling Cluirnside John, joiner & cabinet maker,
Clark Mr. William, Felling
Cook William, teacher, Felling
Coulson William, vict. Dim Cow
Counsellor Richard, surgeon and M.D.
Dimster villa, Felling Coward William, blacksmith, Felling Crawford George, shopkeeper, Felling Crosbie John, bootit shoemaker, Felling Croudacc James, shopkeeper, Windy Nuok Daniels Mr. Daniel, Felling Davison Matthew, vict. Collinyirovd Inn,
Davison Robert, shopkeeper, Heworth
Denman John, shopkeeper, Felling
Dixon Thomas, vict. C'ruim and Tldsue,
Windy Nook
Dobson Luke, miller, Heworth lane
Dodds George, shopkeeper, Heworth
Drmnmond Ну. shoemaker, Windy Nook
Drummond Isabella, butcher, Windy Nook
Easton James (Thomas Easton & Co.), ho.
West House
Easton Thomas (Thomas Easton & Co.),
ho. West House Easton Thomas & Co. colliery owners,
Heworth and Felling Edwards Mary, shopkeeper, Heworth English Thomas, agent Elliott F.dward, eating house, Felling Elliott Wm. boot & shoemaker, Felling Ellison George, Esq. Woodguto Faddy John, iron and brass founder,
Felling Shore
Fittes Edward, cabinet maker, Felling Forster Cuthbert, vict. Ship, Felling Shore Forster John, shopkeeper, Felling Shore Forster R. С. land agent, White House Forsyth Barbara, vict. Black Bull, Felling la Frankland Thoraas, teacher, Felling French Margaret, vict. liuck, Felling Gallon Thomas (Thomas Gallon & Co.),
ho. Holly Hill House Gallon Thomas Jfc Co. paper manufacturers,
Felling Shore
Gandes Joseph, shopkeeper, Windy Nook
Gell A. S. surgeon, Felling
Gelloy Joseph & Co. anchor, ic. makers,
Felling Shore
Graham John, lampblack manufacturer,
Felling Shore
Graham Robert, boot & shoemaker, Felling Gray Alexander George (Gray & Crow),
ho. High Jesmond terrace, Newcastle Gray & Crow, manufacturing chemists,
Friars Goose Chemical Works Gray Robert, boot & shoemaker, Felling Green it Brongh, fire-brick manufacturers,
Felling Shore
Hall Charles, marine store dealer, Felling Hall John, ship owner, Felling
Hall William, under viewer, Hewortb.
Hall William, schoolmaster, Windj? Nook
Hardy Robert, tailor, Felling
liarle Win. L. solicitor, Crow Hall, Felling
Hay Michael, shopkeeper
Hedley John, schoolmaster, Windy Nook
Hedley William S. butcher, Windy Nook
Hilyard George, boot and shoemaker,
Hewortb. lane Hind James it B. spailo manufacturers,
Heworth bne
Hinilmnrsli \Vm. innkeeper, Pelaw Main Hodgson Hichard W. grindstone merchant,
Heworth Shore
Hogg John, shopkeeper, 1'elling
Hogg William, teaclicr, Felling
Howe Hannah, shopkeeper, Blue Quarry
Huyle, Robson, & Co. oil and colour manu-
facturen, Felling Shore, and at Bill Quay
and Swalwell
Hunt John, tailor, Felling
Hunter Andrew, stone merchant, Felling
Hunter William * Son, brick and tile
makers, Felling
Пniton Thomas, beerhouse, Felling Iincary Robert, alkali, &i: manufacturer,
Heworth Shore ; ho. Jarrow Lodge Iveson Thomas, butcher, Heworth Shore Johnston—, chemist*shopkeeper,Hewortb Kell Richard it Co. grindstone merchants,
Felling Shore
Kelly Rev. John (Catholic), Felling King Robert, boot & shoemaker. Felling Kirkham Thos. shopkeeper, Felling Shore I.aing Willium, surgeon, Felling Shore J.averick !\lnrgt. vict Barley Hum, Felling Little W. shopkeeper, Felling , Loughh'n And. vict. Skip, Heworlh Shore M'Allum .lohn, surgeon, Heworth Shore M'Avoy John, beerhouse, Felling M'Gough Thomas, beerhouse, Felling M'Nab Robert, butcher, Felling M'Vaught Brothers, marine store dealers,
Fulling Maughftn Andrew,lampblncli manufacturer,
Shore; ho. Garden villa Maxwell Jumes, beerhouse, Heworth Shore Middlemis William, beerhouse A smith,
Miller Henry, shopkeeper, Felling
Mills Thomas, shopkeeper, Felling
Moor John, vict. Shakspere, Felling
Morgan Jno. vict. Ferry boat, Felling Shore
Miirley Hannah, beerhouse it shopkeeper,
Morris John Л; David, boat builders, Pelaw
Morris Thomas, shopkeeper, Windy Nook
Morris William, butcher, Windy Nook
Murray John, tailor, Fellin;:
Murray Thomas, vict Skip,Heworlh lane Robt. boot and shoemaker, Felling
Nesbit William, beerhouse, Felling
Nicbol James, tailor, Felling
Nichol Josrph, shopkeeper, Felling
Noble John, boiler builder, Hewor.h SL;.t¿
Ord Robert, furniture broker, FeUin:;
Pattison Hugh Lee, (H. L.
<fe Co.), ho. Scott's Ноше Tattison Hugh Lee & Co. manufsrtunu»
chemists, Felling Chemical Works Pattison Hugh Lee, jun. ( H. L. Patron
it Co.), ho. Stott's Hall, Jesmoud Pattison James, smith, Felling I'uUison William Watson (H. L. Paiti?n
& Co.), ho. New House Park Robert, shopkeeper, Felling Pearson J. It. .t Co. colliery owncrs.Fr!b¡: 1'enrson William, butcher and shopkccfir.
Porter Ralph, cabinet maker, Felling
Potts Robert, tailor, Felling
Proud Francis, beerhouse, Felling
Proud Sarah, shopkeeper, Windy Ko;i
Itawling Robert, tin smith, Felling Slier?
Reay John,butcher it shopkeeper, Hewer!li
Bedhead John, shopkeeper, Felling
Redhead Robert, joiner, Felling Shore
Redshaw John, vict. 01 iJ Kngine, Fellin?
Robinson Francis, vict. Black Birfl Inn
Ilubsnn George, shopkeeper, FeUJDg
Robson Henry, mason, Felling
Robson Thomas, tailor, Felling
Revel Richard, stone merchant, Не»ст--
Shore; ho. Wrekenton
Hodden John, tea denier, Felling
Scott George, vict. iS'/i/p, Heworth Sbore
Scott Joseph, butcher, Felling Shore
Shaw Joshua, shopkeeper, Felling ShoK
Sill George, assistant surveyor of higli' -:""•
rate collector, and registrar of bilí!'-.
deaths, and marriages for the Нетогш
district; ho. Felling Simpson John, vict. Half-way'IIaiut.'fffU! Simpson Wm. shopkeeper, Felling Shore Smith Jane, shopkeeper, Felliug Shore Stark Ann, shopkeeper, Felling Shore Stephenson Charles, vict. Klliton -<'"-'•
Heworth Shore
Stewart 15. blacksmith, Heworth
Stokoi) James, shopkeeper, Felling
Swan Jane, shopkeeper, Felling
Täte Ann, shopkeeper, Felling
Tute, Brown, Л; Co. stone merchants
Heworth Quarry
Thompson Andrew, butcher, Felling
Thompson Joseph, shopkeeper, Fellini
Timncy Chas. vict. Traveller'! Л«й,Felling
Train Elias, shopkeeper, Felling
Train Jane, shopkeeper, Felling
Tunibull Adorn, grocer A draper, Feffini
Turnbull Isaac, butcher, Felling
Wnde Mr. Kdward, Felling
Wade Thomas, marine store aw*!
Heworth Shore
Walker Mr. James, Felling
Wallace Hobt, vict. Barley Moic, Felling
Ward \Vm. vict. Green Tree, Felling Shore
Watson A. 51. U'ttcher, Felling
Watson Henry, shopkeeper, Felling Shore
Watson Mr. John, Felling
Watson The Misses R. is. SI. Felling
Watson l'humas C. manager Felling
Chemical Works ; ho. Heworth Lodge
Wentherby Martha, shopkeeper, Felling.
Weatherby William, butcher, Felling
AVilkie Isabella, grindstone manufacturer,
Wilkie Robert, vict. Grind Stone, Felling
Wilkinson William, joiner and shopkeeper,
Willehire G. F. A. rief. Wheat Sheaf,
Wilson John, boot and shoemaker, Felling
Winter Margaret, vict Ship, Felling
Wood Charles, boot >t shoemaker, Felling
Wood Robert, boot and shoemaker, Felling
Wright John, butcher, Felling
Charlton Charlea, Heworth Grange
Clesby John, High Heworih
Davidson Mary, Poulter's Close
Kirkley George, Windy Nook
Jackson Thomas
Patterson Edward
Kobson llobert
Soulsby Thomas
Stothard Robert, Thisley House
Thompson Andrew, High Felling